
Travelling is not just about the destinations – it’s the journey that matters

Why I Love To Travel

Traveling is an experience like no other. It offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in new cultures, taste exotic foods, see breathtaking sights, and make lifelong memories that you can cherish forever. For me, travel is not just a hobby, but a passion. I’ve been fortunate enough to explore many parts of the world, and each journey has been an adventure in its own right. Luckily my family has the same desire for travelling and as a family we love to travel, explore as much we can. Every year we try to travel some new place or may be revisit some old placeses to finish some unfinished business and every journey gives us immense please and excites us more than the other. As of now I have travelled over 34 countries, more than 100 cities and four continents and so many more to see and explore. As much I love to try new beauty products and share my experience, I also want to share some of my travel experience and some tips that I think some readers may find helpful. Some of my travel journey might motivate someone to take the leap of faith and pack their package to explore a new place and that will be greatest achievement. I think what you learn while travelling is incomparable. It opens up your mind, view and perspective. Helps you to see the bigger picture, makes you humble and flexible towards change. Help you to appreciate what you have and aspire you to achieve more, where sky is the limit and horizon is your destination. However obviously there are limitation living a corporate professional life you only have certain vacation hours you can take, you need think about budget since no one is sponsoring your trip and related expenses. In addition when you have a kid have to consider their vacation timing. Despite all the limitations and boundaries we as family love to travel and in my travel section I will try to share some. One of my most memorable trips was my recent trip to Switzerland. I was blown away by the country’s stunning landscapes, and natural beauty. Some places looks surreal. I will share more detail on my trip to Switzerland but thought just share my most recent experience while its still fresh. Travelling is not just about the destinations – it’s the journey itself that makes travel so special. I love the thrill of exploring new places, meeting new people, and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. Travel has taught me to be more open-minded, patient, and adaptable, and has given me a greater appreciation for the diversity and beauty of our world. I travel to learn, to grow, and to experience all that life has to offer. Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a week-long adventure, I always come back feeling inspired, refreshed, and eager for more. I can’t count how many time I was left speechless and awestruck by the beauty of new place and kind gesture from strangers. So if you’re considering a trip, don’t hesitate – go out and explore and follow along to know more about my journey! You never know what incredible experiences await you. I wish to share more about my travel experiences, tips etc in coming days. Cheers…

Inspiring Travel Quotes

“I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.” – Mary Anne Radmacher
“I travel because it makes me realize how much I haven’t seen, how much I’m not going to see, and how much I still need to see” – Carew Papritz


If you are curious to know more or have any specific question about my trip and suggestion, feel free to send your questions to me. I will be more than happy to answer