A, B, Cs of skin care

If you haven’t learned the basics of skincare already, not to worry because with today’s post I am going to back to basics and sharing the A,B, Cs of skin care. In other word these are basics Vitamins and key components of anyone’s skincare that everyone should be aware and try to incorporate in skincare routine.

  • Vitamin A – commonly known as Retinol, Retinal, Tretinoin a fat-soluble vitamin that comes in many form. Skin is a retinoid-responsive organ, able to readily absorb vitamin A when applied topically. Retinol stimulates production of new skin cells, can boost production of collagen, shrinks pore size, can fight radicals that cause wrinkles and helps with anti-aging. Please note, it is advised not use retinol or precautions needed if you are using Benzoyl Peroxide or expecting mom.
  • Vitamin B – commonly known as Niacinamide, it’s a multitasking superhero in our skincare routine. Helps improving dull skin complexion, reduces inflammation , which may help ease redness from eczema, acne, and other inflammatory skin conditions, minimizes pore appearance. Regulates oil production.
  • Vitamin C – is a great antioxidant, meaning it fights harmful toxins that come in contact with your skin either externally or from inside the body. The antioxidants in vitamin C may help defend against the damage that UV light can cause.  That doesn’t mean that you can use a vitamin C skin serum in place of sunscreen. It can’t replace SPF since it doesn’t absorb UVA or UVB rays. But if UV light does get into your skin, some research suggests that vitamin C can help blunt the harm. It is suggested it performs well if used before using sunscreen.
  • Vitamin E – a highly potent antioxidant critical for protecting against premature skin aging. There are some great benefits of using Vitamin E, it helps with hyperpigmentation, prevent aging and wrinkles, can treat acne scars. When combined with vitamin C, Vitamin E receives a boost that reignites its anti-aging power. Simultaneously, vitamin E acts as a stabilizer for vitamin C.

There are more but for me these are the key Vitamin nutrients that anyone should incorporate in their skin care regime. Keep in mind the evidence to back up these benefits varies, and some of it is largely anecdotal. It is always advised to do a patch test before starting any of these vitamins and consult with skincare professional if see adverse results. Any product and ingredient should be used in moderation based on your specific need.

In coming days I will share some recommended products that incorporates these vitamins and will spill the bean that worked for me. Let me know if you have any question.

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1 Comment

  1. Greetings! Very useful advice within this article! It is the little changes that will make the greatest changes. Many thanks for sharing!

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